
The leading Carbon Accounting platform built for Oil and Gas

CarbonOneTM is designed specifically for the oil and gas industry to help companies track, manage, and reduce their carbon emissions. With our powerful tools and intuitive interface, you can easily monitor your company's carbon footprint and take action to reduce it.

Get Started

Automating and streamlining calculation and reporting

  • Automate reports for regulators, Responsibly Sourced Gas, and investors
  • Stay flexible with the ability to keep multiple sets of books and factors
  • Reduce error with built-in quality assurance and quality control

Visualizing actual and forecasted carbon emissions

  • Intuitive interface that can be used anywhere - from the field to the boardroom
  • Improved planning with carbon reduction scenarios and forecasting
  • Analyze mitigation opportunities with Methane Abatement Cost Curves
GHG Waterfall

Data collection and processing of methane surveys

  • Mobile applications for in-field data collecting
  • Streamline with FTP or API to current systems
  • Simplified data ingestion with Excel templates

Energize your credible path to net zero

Calculating over
15M mt of CO2e
for customers
each year
Customers with
operations in over
10 States
Tracking and
reporting on
leak and methane surveys each year

Schedule a Demo

We're excited to show you how Iconic Air can help your company mitigate climate risk and ensure access to capital.

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